Annual Plenary Meeting
We are pleased to announce the third annual NIMLAS plenary, which will take place in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, from 9am-5pm EST on December 10, 2024.
December 2024 NIMLAS Annual Plenary Meeting Agenda
December 9, 2024
6:00pm: Pre-Plenary Dinner and Drinks, Aventura, Ann Arbor, MI
December 10, 2024: Room 1430B ISR
8:30am: Continental Breakfast for In-Person Attendees
9:00am: Welcome and Introductions (NIMLAS Team / NIA Team)
9:10am: Introduction of Dr. Peter Lynn
9:15am – 11:15am: Workshop on State-of-the-art Design and Analysis Strategies for Addressing Attrition in Longitudinal Studies (Peter Lynn, Remote)
11:15am – 11:30am: Break / Refreshments
11:30-11:50: Newly awarded pilot projects and brief presentations from new awardees (5 minute talk, 5 minute discussion)
- Hanyu Sun
- Emily Mroz (PDF)
11:50-1:00: Lunch
1:00-1:10: Newly awarded pilot project and brief presentations from new awardee (5 minute talk, 5 minute discussion)
- Catherine Garcia
1:10-2:00: Updates from the 2023 pilot projects (15 minutes each, with 10 minutes for discussion)
- Imke Herold and team
- Joseph Lariscy (PowerPoint)
2:00pm – 3:00pm: Final updates from the four 2022 pilot projects (10 minutes each, with 5 minutes for discussion)
- Florian Keusch and Bella Struminskaya (PDF)
- Colleen Peterson (PDF)
- Michal Engelman (PDF)
- Christian Vazquez (still active) (PowerPoint)
3:00pm – 3:15pm: Break / Refreshments
3:15pm – 4:35pm: Working Group Updates / Continued Development of Future Research Agendas (~20 minutes each)
- Creation of Minority Data
- New Technologies
Featuring a 15-minute presentation (PDF) from pilot project awardee Neil Alexander and team at around 3:30pm
- Reducing Attrition
- Obtaining Consent
4:35pm – 5:00pm: Discussion of New Thematic Area(s) / Final Wrap-up
5:00pm: Adjourn